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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Inscription Guide 1-450

You can use [Milling] to mill 5 herbs for 2 - 4 pigments.

[Alabaster Pigment] - Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot

[Dusky Pigment] / [Verdant Pigment] - Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, Stranglekelp

[Golden Pigment] / [Burnt Pigment] - Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot

[Emerald Pigment] / [Indigo Pigment] - Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar's Whiskers, Wintersbite

[Violet Pigment] / [Ruby Pigment] - Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Arthas'Tears, Sungrass, Blindweed, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood

[Silvery Pigment] / [Sapphire Pigment] - Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Icecap

[Nether Pigment] / [Ebon Pigment] - Ragveil,Terocone, Ancient Lichen, Nightmare Vine, Netherbloom, Mana Thistle, Dreaming Glory

[Azure Pigment] / [Icy Pigment] - Icethorn, Lichbloom, Fire Leaf, Fire Seed, Tiger Lily, Adder's Tongue, Deadnettle, Goldclover, Talandra's Rose

Approximate Materials Required for 1-450 :

You should need less, so don't mill every herb, mill them only if you need more pigment.

Jessica Sellers in Dalaran sells every low level Ink, every Ink requires one [Ink of the Sea]. This means you can level up your Inscription by using only Azure Pigment which is milled from Northrend herbs, but you need another Inscriber to mill the herbs for you, or you can just buy all the [Ink of the Sea] from the Auction House.

  • 110 Alabaster-giving herbs

  • 80 Dusky-giving herbs

  • 200 Golden-giving herbs

  • 210 Emerald-giving herbs

  • 160 Violet-giving herbs

  • 100 Silvery-giving herbs

  • 260 Nether-giving

  • 380 Azure-giving

Related Guides:

WoW Inscription Leveling Guide 1 - 450

Just to note, there is a lot of other Glyphs and Scroll at different skill ranges with the same amount of materials needed, so where you see [Glyph of ...] for example, there you can choose between more recipes that are orange to you and requires the same amount of materials.

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Inscription.

75 - 125

Learn Inscription Journeyman.

  • 80 - 100

    Make any Glyph that are orange to you and requires 1 Midnight Ink. Glyphs turns yellow after 10 points here, so then learn new recipes and choose another Glyph.

    20 x [Glyph of....] - 20 Midnight Ink, 20 Light Parchment

  • 105 - 120

    Make any Glyph that are orange to you and requires 1 Lion's Ink. Glyphs turns yellow after 5 points, then learn new recipes and choose another Glyph.

    20 x [Glyph of ...] - 20 Lion's Ink, 20 Common Parchment

  • 120 - 125

    Make any Glyph that is YELLOW to you, yes you read it right YELLOW. Orange recipes requires 2 Inks instead of one, so at this point it's better to make yellow recipes.

    7 x [Glyph of ...] - 7 Lion's Ink, 7 Common Parchment

125 - 200

Learn Inscription Expert.

  • 125-133

    Turn all your [Burnt Pigment] into [Dawnstar Ink].

    If you don't milled your own herbs and you don't have Burnt Pigment, you can just make any Glyph between 125-140 that are orange to you.

  • 133 - 141

    8 x [Strange Tarrot] - 8 Lion's Ink, 16 Dawnstar Ink, 8 Common Parchment

  • 155 - 175

    Orange Glyphs and Scrolls which requires 1 Jadefire Ink each.

    20 x [Glyph of ...] - 20 Jadefire Ink, 20 Common Parchment

200 - 290

Learn Inscription Artisan.

  • 260 - 275

    Orange Glyphs and Scrolls. Scrolls need 2 Parchments instead of one.

    15 x [Glyph of ...] or [Scroll of...] - 15 Shimmering Ink

  • 285 - 290

    5 x [Glyph of Sprint] - 5 Shimmering Ink

290 - 350

Now you should go and visit a trainer at Outland or Northrend, click here for the trainer list.

  • 305 - 325

    20 x [Glyph of ...] - 20 Ethereal Ink, 20 Heavy Parchment

    Usually every Glyphs turns yellow after you make 5 of them, then you will be able to learn new ones which ones are orange too. So you will have to make 4 different Glyphs for this 20 skill point.

  • 325 - 330:

    You will have a lot of [Ebon Pigment] if you milled your own herbs so turn all of them into [Darkflame Ink]. If you cant reach 330 while making the inks, or you didn't mill your own herbs, you can just make any Glyphs that are yellow to you.

  • 330 - 345:

    15 x [Glyph of ...] - 30 Ethereal Ink, 30 Heavy Parchment

    Same as above, choose the Glyphs you want to make and are orange to you. Every orange Glyphs requires the same amount of materials at this point of the Inscription leveling guide.

350 - 450

  • 375 - 380

    [Snowfall Ink] - Icy Pigment

    Use all the rare pigment available. Keep the extra Snowfall Ink for Northrend Inscription Research. You will need to research to learn most "Northrend" glyphs.

  • 380 - 385

    7 x [Glyph of...] - 7 Ink of the Sea

  • 385 - 386

    1 x [Northrend Inscription Research] - 3 Ink of the Sea, 5 Resilient Parchment, Snowfall Ink

  • 386 - 400

    25 x [Any Discovered Major Glyph] - 25 Ink of the Sea, 25 Resilient Parchment

  • 430 - 450

    The best strategy is stop leveling Inscription at about skill 430, and simply conduct regular Northrend Inscription Research.

(Information provided by

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