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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jewelcrafting Guide 1-450

Approximate Materials Required for 1-450:

The materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Jewelcrafting.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT BUY ALL OF THE MATERIALS AT ONCE! Jewelcrafting is really expensive to level, and on most servers AH is screwed up because of the insanely high prices of low level Gems, Orbs and Bars. I usually have a few tips and alternatives so you can save some gold.

  • 100 Copper Bar

  • 20 Tigerseye or 20 Malachite

  • 120 Bronze Bar = 60 Copper Bar, 60 Tin Bar

  • 60 Shadowgem OR 20 Shadowgem and 20 Small Lustrous Pearl

  • 80 Heavy Stone

  • 30 Moss Agate

  • 140 Mithril Bar

  • 80 Solid Stone

  • 25 Citrine

  • 15 Truesilver Bar

  • 5 Aquamarine

  • 50 Thorium Bar

  • 10 Star Ruby

  • 20 Large Opal

  • 10 Powerful Mojo or 10 Blue Sapphire

  • 10 Essence of Earth or 10 Essence of Undeath

  • 20 Huge Emerald

  • 55 green gems OR 40 and 15 Black Diamond - You can find a list of green gems here. Don't buy all of them from one kind, because there might be some recipes where you don't have the reputation to buy it, so you will have to choose other green gems. Just buy them when you get to that part of the Jewelcrafting guide.

  • 40 Adamantite Powder (200 Adamantite Ore)

  • 10 Primal Earth

  • 10 Adamantite Bar

  • Buy around 70 from any of the following gems: Bloodstone, Chalcedony, Dark Jade, Huge Citrine, Shadow Crystal, Sun Crystal. Make sure to buy at least 5 Bloodstone, 3 Chalcedony, 3 Shadow Crystal and 3 Dark Jade, because you will need the Bloodstones when you reach 395 and the other gems when you reach 440.

  • 46 Eternal Earth OR 23 Eternal Earth and 23 Eternal Shadow

  • 7 Forest Emerald - You might only need 5.

  • around 28 Skyflare Diamond OR 28 Earthsiege Diamond, but you should buy less then 28 and buy more if you need them

  • 1 Frozen Orb

WoW Jewelcrafting Leveling Guide 1 - 450

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Jewelcrafting. You can train your Jewelcrafting up to 450 in Dalaran.

50 - 150

Learn Jewelcrafting Journeyman.

  • 50-80

    50 x [Bronze Setting] - 100 Bronze Bar

    Save these, you will need them later.

  • 110-120

    10 x [Heavy Stone Statue] - 80 Heavy Stone

    If Heavy Stone is cheap (usually it's not) make this one up to 130 if you want to.

150 - 200

Learn Jewelcrafting Expert.

  • 150-180

    45 x [Mithril Filigree] - 90 Mithril Bar

    Save these, you will need 45 of them later.

200 - 300

Learn Jewelcrafting Artisan.

  • 200-220

    If Citrine is expensive, you can continue to make [Engraved Truesilver Ring] up to around 210 or maybe more, you will also need a bit more Mithril Filigree then.

    The recipe will go yellow at 210, so you might need to get more Citrine if you are unlucky. If you are lucky you will only need 20.

    25 x [Citrine Ring of Rapid Healing] - 25 Citrine, 50 Mithril Bar

  • 225-250

    50 x [Thorium Setting] - 50 Thorium Bar

    Stop making these at 250 and only make more if you need it.

  • 260-280

    If Large Opal is expensive on your realm, like it cost twice as much as one Star Ruby, then you should continue to make [Ruby Pendant of Fire] up to 275. Or if you Prospected your own Ores, you will have a lot of Star Ruby and Azerothian Diamond left, use all of them.

    20 x [Simple Opal Ring] - 20 Large Opal, 20 Thorium Setting

    If you reach 265 and you have some Azerothian Diamond, or it's cheap (I doubt that) you can start to craft [Diamond Focus Ring] too.

300 - 350

Go to Outland and learn Jewelcrafting Master.

Now from this part of this Jewelcrafting guide, you will use recipes that are already yellow to you and since whole WoW is pretty random, you might just need 5 gems to reach your desired skill or maybe 10.

  • 340 - 350

    You can continue to make the gems above, if you didn't reach 350 by making the rings below.

    10 x [Heavy Adamantite Ring] - 10 Adamantite Bar, 10 Mercirual Adamantite

350 - 450

Go to Northrend and learn Jewelcrafting Grand Master.

  • 420 - 425

    You better make this yellow recipe until it turns green, because after this, there will be only meta gems, and they are a lot more expensive. Forest Emerald is usually the cheapest gem.

    7 x [Dazzling Forest Emerald] - 7 Forest Emerald

  • 425 - 440

    Buy 15 [Skyflare Diamond] or [Earthsiege Diamond]

    There are plenty of meta gem recipes, choose one of them and make it 15 times. You can learn some recipes from your trainer, and some of them are sold by Tiffany Cartier in Dalaran, there is also a lot of them dropped by bosses and mobs around Northrend.

  • 440 - 441

    1 [Icy Prism] - 1 Frozen Orb, 3 Chalcedony, 3 Shadow Crystal, 3 Dark Jade

I hope you liked this World of Warcraft Jewelcrafting guide, GZ to 450!

(Information provided by

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